Monday 14 September 2015

Change the Cubes

The verb behind this cube was "To Repair". I imagined that this cube symbolises a persons life, or more so their will to live / sanity . The cube keeps getting knocked over, cut, scraped, stained, scarred, but it keeps getting put back together. Although it may not be perfect anymore, it is still whole and a cube.

The verbs for this cube are "To Bind", "To Split" and "To Repair"

These are some cubes that my classmates made that I liked.

Prehistoric Group Drawing

Inspired by Prehistoric Art me and a group of my classmates were tasked with creating a drawing based on modern culture, using a Prehistoric style.

This drawing was my main contribution to the piece.

Bread Experiments

Initial Experiments

Drawn onto a slice of bread using marker pens.

A painting I created using bread as the brush.
Crusts of the bread I used as makeshift paintbrushes.

Developed Experiments

Using indented bread slices as stamps.

Breadcrumbs coloured with marker pens.