Monday 8 February 2016


This beautiful creature is the gardener. Chosen by the Queen because of the digging and plant eating that this thing demonstrated in the wild. With the use of its sharp and pointed double-jawed mouth it spears its face into the ground in search of roots to eat when regular plants are not in reach. However under service of the queen this guy uses his digging to make beds for plants and eats up all the pesky weeds, that is why he is significantly larger than the other unfortunate souls in Elizabeth's employ. 

The below images are of the gardeners original design, based on the Praying Mantis, however I was not satisfied with the design and thought I was limiting myself too much by basing him off of an existing creature.

Now this is a rejected idea for a chef character. His species is known for its delicious preparation of food and cooking abilities. Being so fat and bad at running, this prey creature learned to scare its hunters by peeling the flesh off of its plump face and exposing a skull-like head beneath it.

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