Saturday 12 March 2016

Colour Final Pieces

For these final pieces I drew on inspiration from two artists I researched, Nick Sheehys for his use of a single colour in his pieces and Lina Hsaio for adding texture to my pieces, instead of making just a plain block colour.

I was aiming to create more than these three pieces, but time caught up with me and I managed to only finish these, another three were in development but I am still happy with how these came out. This is a different style to what I'm used to, this was an interesting experiment. If I were to do them again then I would definitely shade the by hatching, like I usually do. I wanted to see how they would look without shading this time and I believe they look far too flat. I do like the effect that the brown textured colour has, I thought it would be far too boring to just have a plain block colour. Although I think this experiment was mostly a success I think I will stick to digital drawing for my FMP, it suites perfectly with what I want to be doing in the future and I could always do with more digital pieces in my portfolio.

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