Monday 11 April 2016

The British Museum and National Gallery

Me and a few of my friends made our way to The British Museum in London and after getting lost for an hour we finally arrived. I took some pictures of interesting items I thought had good detail, interesting textures or forms to help me and inspire me to design my worlds and items/clothing in those worlds.

The designs on these drinking horns were beautiful and I love these
types of horns in general.

I could image things like this being worn by a more upper class
creature or race, the repeating pattern of gold pleases the eye.

I especially love the design of this hand-mortar. It looks badass, like it could
blow a big chunk out of anything.

The intricate design on the handle of this crossbow is beautiful.

The head of this spear is amazing, these kinds of details
is what I would love to add to my own designs.

The excessive detail on this CLOCK is staggering.
It is completely unnecessary for a simple clock to
be this complicated but none the less it is beautiful.

The gladiator helmet works well for intimidation and also looks great aesthetically, it makes me imagine what deadly man wore this to battle.

The design of this griffin is very interesting, I love the illustrated tales on these pots.

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